


Rashee Cares Triphala Powder is made purely from the shells of Amalaki, Bibhitaki, Haritaki and not the seeds. It is a powerful hair tonic that works wonders on your hair by stimulating the roots & follicles in the scalp and encourages hair growth. It can also be used as a facial mask for beauty benefits.

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Rashee Cares Triphala Powder is made purely from the shells of Amalaki, Bibhitaki, Haritaki and not the seeds. It is a powerful hair tonic that works wonders on your hair by stimulating the roots & follicles in the scalp and encourages hair growth. It can also be used as a facial mask for beauty benefits.

Additional information

Key Ingredients

Amalaki, Bibhitaki and Haritaki

Key Benefits

Makes Hair Thick & Strong. Adds Volume, Shine & Bounce to the Hair. Helps Prevents
Premature Graying. Controls Dandruff. Gives Skin Radiance. Improves Facial Appearance.
Treats Acne. Gives Youthful Skin.

How to use Triphala Powder for long, lustrous and healthy hair?

Mix 3-4 tsp of Triphala Powder in plain water. You may simply apply the mixture onto the exact spots on your scalp where your hair is thinning. This helps your hair to quickly grow in these spots.

How to use Triphala Powder for grey hair?

Heat a pan containing 4-5 tbsp of pure coconut oil on medium flame. Add 2-3 tbsp of Triphala powder into the oil and mix it for at least 3-5 minutes to form a thick paste. Once cool, apply the paste onto your scalp and hair length using your fingers followed by a gentle massage. Leave it to dry for 20 minutes before rinsing off with normal water.

How to use Triphala Powder as a face pack?

Take 2-3 teaspoon Triphala powder. Mix it with chickpea powder, turmeric powder and make a paste. Apply this paste evenly on your face and neck. Let it sit for 4-5 minutes. Then rinse the face with plain warm water. Use this remedy 3-4 times a week to get rid of fine lines and blemishes. Triphala powder with coconut oil can also be made into a paste and applied to the face to improve skin texture and skin elasticity.


Keep it in an airtight container & away from any moisture. Patch test recommended. Triphala is safe for all skin types but if you have dry skin, it is advisable to use Triphala with coconut oil.

More Info

Free from Silicone, Sulphate, Parabens, Artificial Preservatives, Colors, Fragrances & Chemicals

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