
Rashee Cares Herbal Hair Oil (50ml)


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Welcome to the heart of innovation in hair care. Today, we unveil a revolutionary product that transcends the ordinary, introducing RASHEE CARES HERBAL HAIR OIL – a blend crafted to transform your hair into a radiant masterpiece. As RASHEE CARES HERBAL HAIR OIL stand here today, with healthy locks cascading around, realizing the importance of preserving timeless treasures. We share this journey not merely to showcase the recipe’s efficacy but to honour the legacy it carries. In the embrace of my grandmother’s recipe, we found more than a solution for all hair problems; we discovered a bridge between past and present, a connection that transcends generations. Intrigued and inspired, we RASHEE CARES embarked on a journey to revive this age-old recipe. The blend of a fusion of nature’s bounty – became companion in nurturing hair back to health. It was more than a hair regimen; it`s a connection to roots, a tribute to the woman whose wisdom resonated through time. Our hair oil is a meticulous fusion of nature’s finest elements – enriched with nourishing oils like “LIST OF INGREDIENTS”, carefully selected to revive your hair’s natural brilliance. With just a few drops, it penetrates deeply and gives shine to dull & lifeless hair. Whether you have curly, wavy, straight, thick, or fine hair, our oil revitalize and managing frizzy. The artistry of creating these oils lies in the patience and precision passed down through generations. The meticulous process involves infusing oils with the essence of herbs and spices, allowing time and nature to work their magic. As we honor the legacies of our grandmothers, let’s also celebrate the timeless wisdom they’ve gifted us. Embrace the traditions, cherish the recipes, and let these natural elixirs weave their magic through your hair. Experience the transformation. Join us in embracing the beauty of healthy, vibrant hair with RASHEE CARES Hair Oil – where science meets nature for hair that speaks volumes.

Additional information

Material Type Free

Silicone Free, Mineral Oil Free, Sulphate Free, Synthetic Colour Free, Paraben Free

Hair Type


Liquid Volume

Liquid Volume


Indigo, Bhringraj, Sessile joyweed, Balloon Vine, Tridax procumbens, Casuarina leaves, Tanner’s cassia, Hibiscus, Holy Basil, Brahmi, Curryleaves, Neemleaves, Betel leaves, Henna leaves, Rose petals, Cocos nucifera oil, Licorice, Amla, Kalonji, Shallots, Sesame seeds, Fenugreek seeds, Cloves etc.,

Safety Information

For External Use only.


Shake well & pour a generous amount of oil depending on your hair length and volume. Gently massage into hair roots with fingertips for 10-15 minutes using circular motion. Leave on for at least 1 hour or overnight. Rinse with Herbal Shikakai Powder or Sulphate free shampoo & follow this ritual thrice a week for effective results.

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